Steering Committee Nominees
Our Steering Committee Candidates
Welcome to our candidates for the Carmelita Gardens Steering Committee. Below you will find an introduction from each of the candidates interested in serving. Tentative upcoming dates. One day of the weekend of December 9th – 10th we will have Zoom meeting where you can meet the candidates and ask any questions. The voting will commence one of the days of the following weekend of December 16th – 17th.
Harry Hoch
My name is Harry Hoch, and I am a 58-year-old homeowner in Carmelita Gardens. My wife Jackie and I are phasing out of our farm in Minnesota and transitioning to full-time life in Belize. We will be managing the gardens and starting a permaculture farm in CG to provide healthy organic food for the community.
I am volunteering to participate on the governance steering committee. While I have worked on several boards with many different organizations over the years, what makes me uniquely qualified to work on this committee is my experience in setting up new organizations from scratch. I also have education in communications and have studied group dynamics and how to maximize efficiency in the structure of boards and committees.
Associate degree in horticultural production. BS degree in Integrated Pest Management and Sustainable Agriculture, MS in Scientific and Technical communications with a graduate minor in Sustainable Ag. Much of my graduate research was focused on developing agricultural cooperatives.
In addition to running Hoch Orchard and Gardens, I put in 8 years as a Research Plot Coordinator at The University of Minnesota Horticultural Research Center. After leaving the U of MN and returning to the home farm I worked part-time for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. I coordinated the MDA Integrated Pest Management program where I worked closely with apple growers to set up efficient pest control systems and reduce reliance on pesticides. In my work experience I have had to develop the skills to work with independent farmers, research scientists, professors, and government administrators. These skills will be valuable when working with a group of independent home and lot owners to develop a governance structure that will be acceptable to the majority.
In the late 1990s I worked with a group of apple growers to set up a marketing cooperative from scratch. I also helped organize the Organic Apple Growers Network which we later restructured into a nonprofit grower’s association. In the early 2000s I helped set up the Southeast Minnesota Food Network, a grower-owned aggregating/marketing organization. I also helped create a new Farmers Market and Nonprofit Association to manage it. We raised money to construct a market shelter in a downtown city park. We created a steering committee and had to work with several government agencies to get the proper licenses and approvals. I presented our project (with the help of others) to the City Council, Parks Board, County health division, and others.
I have worked with lawyers, consultants, and The Cooperative Development Service to get many of these organizations started. I believe I am uniquely qualified to work with the CG community to listen to individuals and get a good representation of the many CG residents and lot owners. I have used my formal education in group interaction and human nature in organizing associations. I can help avoid the common mistakes that groups make when organizing. I will commit to doing my best to set up a structure that will work for our community. I feel if I can successfully work with groups of independent- minded midwestern farmers to create collaborations and formal associations I should be able to help direct the unique individuals that have been drawn to the ‘independent together’ concept that Phil has sold to all of us
Matt Rossano
Hello all. My wife Rhonda and I recently moved into the house on lot 191 after spending 30 years in South Louisiana where I was a university professor and Rhonda worked as a music therapist, homeschool educator and church music director. Belize first came onto our radar because of charity work we were involved in. Rhonda headed up a group at our local church that collected school supplies for an elementary school in Orange Walk. Every year after receiving their supplies, the students at the school would send handwritten thank you notes, photos, and tourist brochures. That’s what got us thinking about Belize as a possible offshore retirement escape from the steadily decaying ‘civilized’ world.
With regard to possible service on the steering committee, my most relevant work experience would be the innumerable committees I served on during my academic career. Working through varied and sometimes conflicting interests in order to find some policy that all could live with was a frequent challenge on university committees. Furthermore, having been both a faculty senate president and department chair at my former university, I have a good deal of experience in leadership roles.
Regarding ‘hot button’ issues – while I have some general inclinations, I’m not tied hard and fast to any particular position. I lean toward the idea of ‘one person, one vote’ since regardless of how many houses you have or how much land you own, you still only have one vote out there in the ‘real world’ (in theory at least!). Regarding amenities – I’m inclined to favor well-thought-out enhancements to the quality of life in the community. I don’t think being a walled off, expensive, country-club is the right direction to go, but amenities that bring people together, enhance community and increase productive interaction with the neighboring villages seem valuable to me – valuable enough that dedicating resources for them is worthwhile. I try to come at any issue with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different points of view.
Tony Lauria
Writing about yourself is always a bit awkward especially when you’re asking for a vote and even more so when you see yourself as sort of an anti-candidate.
Because you see, I have always valued this quote by Thomas Jefferson:
“The government that governs least governs best.”
Having spent sixty-four years in New York City where I was born, raised, educated and employed, I never even heard of an HOA until the horror stories of them reached my ears through media.
The better purpose of our HOA, as I see it, is to watch whatever money is collected for the upkeep of our community. Watch that the money is collected in an equitable manner; watch if there’s any overreach or chumminess; watch what we’re paying for.
I believe adults should be able to handle their own affairs privately. As adults. One to one. With a minimum of outside interference. And apparently so do others here at CG since some have painted their houses and decorated them with murals and cartoons without community opinion or approval. Some precedent has been set.
I have no experience on any HOA as I’ve said and I strongly think and feel this is to everyone’s benefit. I would come with no personal episodes and only a sincere desire to see the Community direct the HOA rather than the other way around.
But a fair question concerning the situation is can I work with other people.
Well I did for my entire working life, more specifically for fifteen years as an instructor, trainer of instructors (285 or so), supervisor of instructors (about 84) and sales representative, all for the Berlitz International Institute of Languages in their flagship location in Rockefeller Center, NYC.
And I loved my job. Very much. Especially the fact that I daily dealt with people from around the world, ranging from ambassadors to the UN to occupants of international C-suites.
All complementing quite nicely my degree in Anthropology from the City College of New York.
So as you can see, I hope, I like people, especially those who hold an experience of life foreign to my own. It’s cultural differences that make the world go round, not money.
Former full-time resident and cottage owner Werner Brussow always said the most pressing issue at Carmelita Gardens is settling how voting should be conducted. I would agree. From Mark Tricky on the steering committee:
“The purpose of the steering committee is to create a community governance structure for Carmelita Gardens. The Steering Committee will devise a system of representation that fairly balances the needs of full-time residents, homeowners, and landowners who may become future homeowners”.
Again I would agree. Three groups, one system of governance equitably addressing the needs of each. A thorny problem that requires a dynamic creative solution. Something original, as Phil said when he painted the picture of CG to me seven years ago. There is an original idea out there that can be the seed of a solution. It’s by full-time resident Steven Brown and if you haven’t read it I urge you to. It’s been rewritten to be more reader friendly.
I have called CG my home for six and a half years now. What happens here matters to me. Deeply.
Besides being a home owner I also hold an undeveloped lot. I see the situation from several sides.
Alastair Forsyth
I am South African by birth lived and worked there for 70 years.
I currently live on the Island of Saint Lucia and bought a piece of land (Lot190) in Carmelita Gardens in February 2023.
It is my intention to build there as soon as I see that the new build quality meets my expectations.
Being a perfectionist is always difficult.
I grew up on a farm and learned a lot about the practical, side of life, and have a reasonable knowledge of building, roads and water reticulation and fixing equipment amongst other things required in any farming enterprise.
I started and was the major shareholder in a specialty fertilizer business that developed and provided nutrient solutions to the horticultural industry from Uganda south through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and a national business in South Africa, employing 250 people amongst which were 13 scientists, most of whom had post graduate qualifications.
I sold this to a consortium of people in 2006.
I am currently the chairman of the board in a company called Trailblazer Technologies (Pty) Ltd. has reference.
I left South Africa a year and a half ago to explore a new way of life and rid myself of winter.
For ten years I was a member of the steering committee for a residential resort in Mozambique caller Legogo Beach Resort.
I had a home there which I used for recreational purposes, as well as hiring out during the holiday season.
I will not dwell on the previous conversations that we have been having but would rather share with you my vision for what should satisfy as many of us owners as possible.
We have a long and difficult road ahead of us if we continue in the current manner.
My priority would be to totally secure our ownership of what we have purchased together with the share of common areas attaching to the lots that have been and will be sold to people for residential purposes and reduce the risks that we potentially face by fighting with Phil and with each other.
In other words, a satisfactory negotiated solution between the representatives of all concerned parties that will satisfy the majority of owners and potential owners.
All projects require a well-organized and efficient management team, as well as a set of basic rules and guidelines which can be developed by all of us or at least the majority of owners.
We will all need to accept the fact that not everything will satisfy everyone all the time, because that is how life is in reality.
In order for management to be able to make decisions they need to be empowered to do this, otherwise nothing ever happens.
JC Mercier
I am Jean-Claude “JC” Mercier, a French citizen who was born and raised in Texas. In January of 2017, I bought Lot 121 and later that year I had my Geneva Cottage built. Since the time of my purchase, I’ve been living in the Philippines for the last 6+ years and have been renting out my cottage during that time, and so I have experience as an Owner-Renter at CG.
I recently came back to CG in June of this year and in the past few months, I served as the Business Manager for the CG Developer to help with the transition/exit of Sunshine Property Management. I also served as the River Bend Depot Manager, the Manager of Cottage Park Limited, and, most recently, for a few weeks, I was the Rental Property Manager at CG to help the rental property owners enhance and protect their investments. And so, I have well-rounded experience on the business side of CG, albeit for only a brief period of time.
As far as my education and career experience, I have a BBA in Accounting from Texas A&M, and qualified as a CPA with Deloitte Haskins + Sells. The bulk of my career was spent in large international banks where I traded and managed the risk of FX & Interest Rate Derivatives, and I was also fully registered as a Securities Investment Advisor. I have lived and worked in 7 different countries, I am experienced in the leadership and career development of multi-national teams, and I am culturally sensitive and have the ‘gravitas’ for diplomatic challenge.
On the “Non-Resume” side of things, this is what you should know when considering voting for me. I work hard, and I play hard. What you see is what you get, and transparency is very important in my opinion. Words have meaning to me, and I say what I do and I do what I say. I look forward to working with you and for you, and I would be honored to have the privilege of representing the CG Community on the Steering Committee.
I thank you in advance for your vote for me.
Mark Trickey
A little bit of history about myself. I invested in Carmelita Gardens back in 2010 and have just recently completed building a house there. Unfortunately, I am not yet at a point where I can retire but hope to be spending more and more time there in the next few years. I bring this up to hopefully impress that I have and have had for some time a very personal interest in the success of this community.
It’s time for us as a community to complete these first steps towards managing our own affairs. I also have a personal vested interest in seeing this community succeed. I want to see the dream I bought into 13 years ago achieved. I’m sure I differ from others on some details, but in a nutshell the dream was a small mostly self-sufficient community where the rules were few, the motto was live and let live, but the community (both ours and our Belizean neighbors) was there when you wanted or needed it.
As far as qualifications, I served 5 years as president of a small HOA in Cuenca, Ecuador. Mt profession for the last 10 years has been as an IT security consultant. This has given me a unique perspective on how to bring together disparate ideas from multiple people from the CIO on down and find solutions that are achievable and resolve the client’s needs.
I deeply care about this community and want to see it grow and thrive and become a place where people of all ages and walks of life would be happy to call home.
Steven Potts
I have served as the chairman of two separate board of directors, and a director of four other boards. The two boards I was the chairman of consisted were credit union boards, supervised by the NCUA, with strict fiduciary responsibilities, one small corporation and one large corporation. I have also served on committees for a public library, two different HOAs and another nonprofit. That experience and my forty plus years serving taxpayers in the preparation and defense of tax returns under audit allows me to consider myself qualified to be on the steering committee.