Steering Committee

Community Governance Steering Committee


The purpose of the steering committee is to create a community governance structure for Carmelita Gardens. The steering committee will devise a system of representation that fairly balances the needs of full-time residents, homeowners, and landowners who may become future homeowners. This committee will get feedback from all stakeholders in the community to reflect the needs of the majority of stakeholders. Surveys, meetings, town halls, and other methods may be used to get input from this diverse ownership group.

The Committee will focus mainly on governance structure and a minimum set of bylaws and community rules with processes in place to allow future bylaws to be enacted by the board of directors.

Financial decisions will be left to the Community Maintenance Fund Finance Committee (CMFFC) until a board and treasurer are in place. The steering committee will meet with the CMFFC for input on fee structure and billing systems.

After a governance system is designed it will be brought to a vote by the entire ownership group. Registration of this new organization will also be carried out by this committee. The committee will work with consultants and lawyers to figure out the appropriate Belizean business structure to be used and ensure proper registration of all documents.

After the new business entity is registered, and the proper paperwork filed and accepted the steering committee will act as the interim board of directors. The first and primary responsibility of the interim board will be to conduct the first election of the permanent board of directors.

A more detailed description of the steering committee duties can be found below.


Makeup of the committee

The steering committee will have three elected members from the ownership group and one rotating member from the CMFFC, and one member representing the developer.

Applicants should have experience working on boards, committees, or with diverse groups of stakeholders. Be willing to deal with professionals and consultants while representing the community and should be able to separate personal preferences from that of the community.


Nomination Process

If you wish to nominate yourself or another within the community, please email the relevant information to [email protected]. If you nominate candidates other yourself, those nominees will be contacted to determine their interest in participating.

After a suitable period, nominees will be announced and asked to introduce themselves to the community in writing and be given the opportunity to present their thoughts on areas of interest to the community.

Candidates will also be given the opportunity to participate in a moderated live Q&A session where the community will be given the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important endeavor.